The Love Coach

Dedicated to helping you fix what is broken 

ONE CALL can Improve Your Love Life
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The Love Coach 

Dedicated to helping you fix what is broken

to Improve Your Relationships.
Click the button to schedule a time.



Broken to Brave

Hi, I'm Donna Barnes. I have a lot of compassion for people. I've actually walked in many of your shoes. I fully understand feeling broken, and my intention is to help people feel whole.

The desire to be loved is universal, but the knowledge to create a lasting partnership isn't clear-cut. Relationships frequently fail. I myself have struggled with abandonment issues and have endured more than my share of loss and heartbreak, even abuse. But I've also lived a very charmed and exciting life, filled with love. I am a New York University Certified Life & Love Coach, however, I can promise you there has been no better teacher than my personal experiences.

You see, I suddenly lost my Mom as a teenager, when we'd had a difficult, complicated relationship. So I escaped to New York City with a modeling agency, in the 80s, when Manhattan was a pretty wild place. I studied acting, and human behavior, then moved to Los Angeles in the 90s, when "Me Too" was accepted as the casting couch. I had a lot of fun and selfishly broke a lot of hearts, until I had my heart ripped out by a man I thought I was in love with, at age 30, before "ghosting" was even a term and there was no internet to search for answers.

In 2001, I went to a party, and it changed my life. I was asked to be in a reality show called, "The Real Sex & the City". That lead to co-hosting 205 episodes of a talk show called Naked New York, about sex & relationships, and by the end of that decade I was writing my first magazine column, had been through NYU and was now coaching others how to have better relationships. I published my book, Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships, and became the relationship expert for Good Morning America.

I'm not a therapist, but I did have a great one, and I have studied psychology. Therapy focuses on 'why'. Coaching is about 'how'. I fixed my broken feeling by learning to truly love myself. I'd love to share all my secrets of wisdom with you!

My clients tell me I give them a unique perspective — a combination of practical hindsight, intelligence, and academic knowledge. It’s incredibly validating when they call to simply say, “You were right!” I can’t help but think, “It’s about time I got it right.” Five decades later, I feel I have earned the title The Love Coach. My favorite part is helping people make better choices than I did.


There is no better teacher than experience...

You're very easy to talk to and enthusiastic about what you teach.


New York, New York



My Coaching Style


I always want my clients to feel heard, and cared about. So coaching with me is all about you — figuring out what is going on with you, what would be best for you, and how you can achieve it. I'm very flexible with my hours.

I'm told I'm easy to talk to, and coaching with me frequently takes on a big sister or mentor type feeling. I’ll even share my personal experiences with you when I think it will give you more clarity, or help you feel validated, or normal. I've been through a lot these past 50+ years — good, bad, and ugly; you might as well benefit from my mistakes, successes, and tragedies, (in addition to my education).

My coaching is 100% confidential, unbiased, and nonjudgmental.

Whether you’re LGBTQ+, straight, male, female, non-binary, young, or old, anywhere in the world — if you're stuck and not sure what to do, I’ll help you make good choices to move forward and be happier. I may be available right now, even at night and on weekends.


"I reached out to Donna and after just a first phone call felt deeply understood, which meant everything at that moment."

Laura, Westport, CT

"I got engaged two weeks ago. Thanks for all your excellent insight over the years."

John, New York, NY

"I wish I would of come across your advice earlier. I bet half the population are making these mistakes but don't know it."

Tina, New York, NY


Grab My Top 13 Tips
to Help Your Love Life...

Simply sign up to MY EMAIL list to be directed to my special video and downloadable PDF with my top 13 life lessons.

Online empowerment masterclasses

Be your Best Self at your Own Pace

10+ Hours Coaching Videos

I'm sharing every single secret I have acquired in my 50+ years, including things I've never shared publically, case examples and personal stories to give you experiential insight, and step-by-step encouragement, spread out in 80 or so individual videos to help you become your best self.

Lifetime Access

There is no pressure to finish, you will have lifetime access to your Action Plan, so you can move at the pace that feels right for you, without getting overwhelmed, and come back and revisit at any time.

FREE Bonuses Worth $294

Quizzes, Checklists, and Action Worksheets. I always want my clients to get their needs met and feel cared about. So that’s why when you join either Action Plan today, I’m giving you 2 free bonuses worth $294 to make sure you get the results you want.

Step-By-Step Guided Actions

My most complete coaching programs, both Action Plans guide you through my simple steps to feel empowered, and become the best version of yourself. Including...

raise your self-esteem
identifying your true self
create healthy boundaries
change your patterns
Unpack your baggage
Communicate effectively
Make better choices
Set SMART Goals
Identify bad behavior
And much more...
Choose the best one for you...

Breakup recovery action plan

Just broke up, just can't let go, or stuck in limbo — from Broken to Brave

Everyone wants to know "How do I get my ex back", because denial and bargaining are the first grief stages. But no gimmick or false guarantee will bring your ex back, because people have free will. And if you continue to obsessively talk about your breakup and try to control what your ex does, you will continue to feel hopeless and be in pain. Choose to take action and feel empowered.

The Painful Truth is, this breakup is the best thing to happen to you, because your pain can help you grow.  Use your broken heart as great motivation to change the one person you can change — become the best version of yourself. If you do get a second chance with your ex things need to change, so you can make it last this time. This 5-Step Action Plan will help you recognize if your ex is even right for you, and if not, how you can find someone better. Step 1: No Contact, Step 2: Help to Feel Better, Step 3: Mindfulness, Step 4: Closure, Step 5: Dating Again.


My best me action plan

Single, just met someone, or in a relationship

All your relationships that didn't work out have one thing in But that's great news because you are the only person you can change. Nothing changes if nothing changes, I'll guide you through my 3-Step Action Plan to improve your primary relationship, the one with yourself, and create a loving partnership. Step 1: Fixing Me, Step 2: Choosing Wisely, Step 3: Making It Last

Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships

Giving up junk-food relationships

My book that started it all — Bad relationships are pretty much the same as junk-food.

As a teenage model whose only income came from what I looked like, I was obsessed with working out and trying to eat right. It was a constant battle between enjoying what I ate or enjoying how I looked. At the same time, I had no idea what boundaries were, and looking back, I definitely had a few “What was I thinking?” relationships. If I had thought then to put a food value on men, I would have known exactly whom to indulge in and whom to avoid. That’s how the idea for Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships was born. Like attracts like; therefore, you are who you meet, just as you are what you eat. My 2012 book bottom lines how to make your relationships healthy, and more importantly how to tell when things have gone bad. 

  "A welcome addition to the self-help genre that aims to heal body and mind." — Kirkus Reviews


Contact Donna

I'm available for TV, Radio, and Written interviews virtually or in studio in New York, Philadelphia, or the surrounding areas. I'm willing to travel to Los Angeles.

Want to collaborate with me? Have questions about my coaching? 

If you want my advice, please sign up for coaching:  COACHING CALL


Mark Turner, A3 Artists Agency, P. 646-486-4600

Locations & Hours

On-Air, in-studio appearances in New York or Philadelphia. Virtual on-air appearances via 4K webcam with professional audio and lighting.

Virtual Coaching via Zoom or Phone, anywhere in the world.

My hours are very flexible. I'm willing to meet in the evening or on weekends.

Donna officially became a Life & Relationship Coach in May 2007

© Copyright Donna Barnes.  All Rights Reserved.

Contact Donna

If you need personalized relationship advice please click here to sign up for coaching.


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