Personal Coaching
Donna Barnes is a New York University Certified Life & Relationship Coach and specializes as a Breakup Coach. Named one of NYC's 12 Best Dating Coaches of 2014, also featured in Industry Trends by Dating, Donna can meet with you in person in the New York City or Philadelphia areas, or speak with you anywhere in the world via phone, Zoom, or Skype.
Donna's approach to dating and relationships is truly empowering because it is all about you! If you're not happy with your situation - YOU have the power to change it! You don't have to rely on fate or luck to bring you the perfect match. And you don't have to settle for the wrong partner because the good ones always leave. Donna can give you the insight and tools to achieve the relationship you crave.
Start taking action toward the life of your dreams! It’s all about your choices, your actions, your thoughts, and feelings. Turn your dreams into reality by making them goals.
Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships: Recipes For Healthy Choices
Are you waiting for someone to change back into the person you fell in love with? Do you fear you won't find anyone better for you if you leave or let go? Are you confused about what went wrong? Donna's book bottom lines how to make your relationships healthy, and more importantly how to tell when things have gone bad.
Bad relationships are pretty much the same as junk food.
"A welcome addition to the self-help genre that aims to heal body and mind." — Kirkus Reviews

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"@Donna Barnes You should be getting far more views on YouTube. Brains and beauty seems to be a vanishing combo these days. There are some relationship coaches who couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag. Seriously. The sad thing is people listen to them. Your insight and intelligent approach to relationships is refreshing and "old school" at the same time."
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